OKX Wallet - Chrome Web Store

"OKX Wallet" extension in the Chrome Web Store. However, OKX is a cryptocurrency exchange platform, and they may have introduced browser extensions or wallet-related tools after that date.

"OKX Wallet" extension in the Chrome Web Store. However, OKX is a cryptocurrency exchange platform, and they may have introduced browser extensions or wallet-related tools after that date.

To find and install an "OKX Wallet" extension in the Chrome Web Store, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Google Chrome: Launch your Google Chrome web browser.

  2. Access the Chrome Web Store: Click on the "Apps" icon in your Chrome bookmarks bar or search for "Chrome Web Store" in the Google search bar.

  3. Search for "OKX Wallet": In the Chrome Web Store, use the search bar to look for "OKX Wallet." Make sure to enter the precise name, and check for any extensions related to OKX or cryptocurrency wallets.

  4. Browse Search Results: Review the search results to find the official or reputable extension related to OKX Wallet.

  5. Install the Extension: Once you've identified the correct extension, click on it to access the extension's page. Then, click the "Add to Chrome" or "Install" button to install the extension. Follow any on-screen instructions.

  6. Configure and Use: After installation, you may need to configure the extension by providing necessary information, such as your OKX account details. Once configured, you can use the extension to manage your OKX assets and perform related functions.

Please note that you should always be cautious when installing browser extensions related to cryptocurrency and ensure that you are using official or reputable extensions to protect your assets and personal information. Additionally, since the crypto landscape evolves rapidly, there might have been updates or changes to the availability of specific extensions or services since my last knowledge update in January 2022. Always do your due diligence and research before using any cryptocurrency-related tools or extensions.

Last updated